Filter Sales & Service, Inc.

Filter Sales & Service, Inc.Request A Quote

Burlington, MA

Filter Sales was founded as a service organization and today maintains a highly trained service department. Preventive maintenance filter service programs, filter bank repair and upgrades, clean room audits, ductwork video inspections, and IAQ investigations are just a few of our services. With increasing concern about indoor air quality and reduced maintenance staff, many customers rely on our trained service technicians to supply a filter program that yields accurate system surveys, engineered filter selection and application, optimum service schedules and documentation to support your preventive maintenance program. Many years ago we recognized the need to raise the industry standard of service and quality to our customers. Our Commitment to Quality set guidelines and performance standards for all employees and departments. With soaring power prices and new energy directives, it truly pays to save energy in your air filtration systems. Filter Sales knows that saving energy is one of the most challenging tasks facing the HVAC industry today. Keep in mind that energy accounts for up to 70 percent of an air filter's total life cycle cost (LCC), so it always pays for you to choose the best low energy air filter combination for the right filtration application. We'll show you how and we'll prove it in the lab, on your site, or in LCC calculations. Quite simply, we want you to see the positive impact of our low energy air filter products on your bottom line. Filter Sales expertise, products, services and solutions are helping customers to cut operating costs while maintaining high IAQ in their buildings and critical processes.

Air Filters Power Pages

Air Filters

Air Filters

Air filters are devices used to remove airborne particles, pollutants, and microorganisms hazardous to health and the ecosystem. In industrial facilities, air filters preserve the quality of products and materials and protect critical equipment from damage...

HEPA Air Filters

HEPA Air Filters

A HEPA filter is a high efficiency pleated air filter capable of capturing extremely small particulate matter down to particles that are the size of a micron (µ), or a micrometer, which is 1/1000th of a meter...

Liquid Filters

Liquid Filters

Liquid filters are equipment used to separate suspended solids from a fluid stream. A physical barrier, called the filter medium, is a prerequisite in the filtration process in which the liquid passes through and where the solids are retained...

Water Filtering Systems

Water Filtering Systems

A water filtering system is a mechanism that is designed to remove solid particles, tiny or large, from inside a liquid through the use of a filter medium that only allows the liquid to pass but restricts solid particles....

Types of Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

Industrial Vacuum Cleaners

Vacuum cleaners use suction to collect dirt, dust, waste products from industrial processes, and other debris for disposal, recycling, or reuse. They are mainly used for building maintenance and cleaning of industrial space...

Air Scrubber

Air Scrubber

An air scrubber is an air purification system that removes particulate matter from the air through the use of moisture or by cooling or filtering the airstream as it enters the scrubber...

Air, Liquid, and Filtering Systems

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